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Iā€™m some nerd interested in intelligent systems, mechanistic interpretability, economics, and existential risk in my spare time. Yes, for now I do live in the Bay Area.

Reach out with comments and questions.



Python :
import antigravity
TypeScript :
just enough so I can build less-terrible versions of what I wanted with JavaScript
PyTorch :
the hardest part of deep learning is indexing, the second hardest is relying on empirical results, maybe the third is coming up with model architectures?
git :
I actually understand the ref/object and DAG models now
zsh/bash/UNIX :
I actually memorized the most important utilities and their options
Vim :
the most joyful tool I've ever used
Docker :
sometimes I just want to write a script and not worry about dependencies
Astro :
building fast websites very easily
Shopify :
greatest tool I've used for MVPing a business